When an SQL procedure, function, or trigger is created, DB2 UDB generates a C-program object that implements the specified logic. iSeries programmers wanting to debug these SQL objects have had to step through the C code generated by DB2 UDB. To make debugging of these SQL objects easier, an SQL source-level debug view has been delivered so that programmers see only the original SQL statements that they code when using the system debugger. The SQL source-level debug view is created when the SQL clause SET OPTION DBGVIEW =*SOURCE is embedded within the source code of the SQL procedure, function, or trigger. The V5R1 PTFs that make the *SOURCE debug view available to V5R1 systems are SI06359, SI06310, and SI06358.
When the *SOURCE debug view was first made available in V5R2, it was stored in QTEMP. This meant that as soon as the job that created the SQL object ended, the SQL source-level debug view for that SQL procedure, function, or trigger disappeared. Recently, the following PTFs have been made available for V5R1 and V5R2 so that the *SOURCE debug view is stored permanently in the same library that was specified for the procedure, function, or trigger: SI06814 for V5R1, and SI06652 for V5R2.
--Kent Milligan is DB2 UDB Technology Specialist on IBM's eServer Solutions Enablement team. He spent the first seven years at IBM as a member of the DB2 development team in Rochester. He can be reached at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
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