Cristian Molaro


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Cristian Molaro

Cristian Molaro ( is an independent DB2 specialist and IBM Gold Consultant focused on DB2 for z/OS administration and performance. He was recognized as an IBM Champion in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013. Cristian has presented papers at several international conferences and local user groups in Europe and North America and is coauthor of eight IBM Redbooks related to DB2, including DB2 11 for z/OS Technical Overview. A recipient of the merit badge “Platinum IBM Redbook Author,” Cristian is part of the IDUG EMEA Conference Planning Committee and chairman of the DB2 LUW User Group BeLux. He was recognized by IBM as Top EMEA Consultant at the IDUG EMEA 2011 DB2 Tech Conference in Prague.

MC Press books written by Cristian Molaro available now on the MC Press Bookstore.

DB2 10 for z/OS: The Smarter, Faster Way to Upgrade DB2 10 for z/OS: The Smarter, Faster Way to Upgrade
Explore the top 10 reasons to start planning your upgrade today.
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DB2 11: The Database for Big Data and Analytics DB2 11: The Database for Big Data and Analytics
Find out why DB2 11 is the ideal database for big data and business-critical analytics.
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