Rocket Aldon Lifecycle Manager (IBM i Edition)
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From change request to production, tailored for the IBM i
Rocket Aldon Lifecycle Manager (IBM i Edition) is a software management application for enterprise applications that covers the gamut of change management activities such as change request management, software configuration management, and application lifecycle management (ALM). With Rocket Aldon Lifecycle Manager (IBM i Edition) you can automatically track, accelerate, and streamline the management of all your software and maintenance processes and workflows. You are in control of all parts of the application development lifecycle, increasing your developers' productivity so that you can deploy IT projects on time, and meet your regulatory and best practices requirements.
See i to i
Just like the IBM i, our Rocket ALM solution is known for its performance and powerful automation. Rocket Aldon Lifecycle Manager (IBM i Edition) features point-and-click package promotion, integrity assurance, package deployment and redeployment, and history and traceability. By replacing tedious, manual processes, you can reduce costs, ensure application integrity, gain efficiencies and speed up delivery times.
Total visibility across IT
From a single screen, you can track project status, view service request completion, monitor hardware and software requirements, and see who’s working on what code. You are able to view each and every IT asset you have—applications, objects, projects—their interdependencies and what happens if you change them.
Single repository
Users are able to work on a multitude of file types, and compare and merge files— all from multiple platforms. And with a single repository for the IBM i, everything is in one place.
Green is good
Still love your green screen? We are completely committed to the IBM i platform and are the go-to software for change management on the IBM i. We offer continual software enhancements and support for the latest operating system.
Comply with the i
You don’t have to dread audit time. With LMi you will be ready to meet the auditors head on and comply with Sarbanes-Oxley, HiPAA, ITIL, Basel II and other familiar regulations. If you’re in a highly regulated industry, you’ve come to the right place.