Blue Glue
0 reviewsBlueGlue is an Open Source management suite that can tie together, in any combination, 120 of the most popular Open Source software applications available today. Developers can get a stack working in minutes and BlueGlue will test, update and validate the ...
Consulting/Programming Services
0 reviewsEnterprise Application Integration Suite
Geneva Express
0 reviewsHOBLink JWT
0 reviewsIBM Mashup Starter Kit
0 reviewsMashup platform to allow nontechnical users to create situational applications in minutes, empowering line-of-business professionals to get the information they need no matter where it resides.
iInventory v6.3.4
0 reviewsNon-intrusively audit Windows, Mac, Linux computers for hardware and software configurations. Detailed reports for: Installed software v. licenses; Roll-out data; Hardware/software changes; Find files like .MP3; Avoid overbuying licenses; Helpdesk support ...
Job Manager 3.5
0 reviewsJob Manager 3.5 is a production management system that enables organizations to create estimates, collect production data, track jobs, calculate costs, and bill completed or partially completed jobs.
OC://WebConnect Pro
0 reviewsOpen Client Solution
0 reviewsThe solution addresses customer demand to improve interoperability and provide more choice to run different vendors' products that work together. Customers will now have the opportunity to run a mix of Lotus, open source, and other commercial software pro ...
REVSuite for AS/400
0 reviewsThe AS/400 Suite provides a full range of tools and utilities for the iSeries, AS/400 and System/3x environments. These include scheduling, backup, DASD management, data transfer, performance monitoring, message control, data compression and more.
Secure ClientConnect
0 reviewsSecure ClientConnect secures desktop client access to mainframe apps and information. It places a SSL Encryption security wrapper around desktop clients and uses patented technology to establish & maintain a secure desktop to mainframe connection with SSO ...
0 reviewsWebConnect is client-server based software that provides secure browser based emulation to mainframe, midrange and UNIX systems. WebConnect enables enterprise organizations to provide suppliers, partners and employees with secure access to vital applicati ...
WebConnect SSO
0 reviewsWebConnect SSO extends WebConnect and delivers secure SSO access to multiple mainframe apps. Secure access is delivered through a single authentication process. User ids and passwords are stored in the glass house, eliminating security issues from passwo ...