An Overview of Disaster Recovery and Availability Technologies for IBM Power Systems

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Download this in-depth report of IT protection and recovery technologies/strategies for IBM i (i5/OS) and AIX environments.


Editor's Note: This article is an extract of the white paper "An Overview of Disaster Recovery and Availability Technologies for IBM Power Systems" available for free download from the MC White Paper Center.


Due to globalization, Web-based sales and service, more-vigorous competition, and more-stringent regulations, the goal of ensuring the availability and recoverability of data and applications has risen considerably on the priority lists of today's CIOs. A wide range of technologies is available to address this goal. At the apex of a spectrum of solutions sits a strategy that maintains highly redundant, geographically dispersed systems and data, commonly identified as high availability (HA) or disaster recovery (DR). Occupying the lower extreme is traditional tape-based backup, which provides reliable but rudimentary disaster recovery capabilities. But between the two sits a variety of technologies offering various levels of system availability and recovery speed and completeness.


Depicting this continuum along a single line from low-end disaster recovery to high-end high availability would be misleading. HA and DR are not mutually exclusive. Both may be required to provide complete protection. For example, a tape-based DR solution cannot be used as a means to keep systems available during brief outages, such as those required by normal maintenance. At the same time, an HA solution may be of no help in recovering from a wide-area disaster such as an earthquake, because both the production and HA backup system may be destroyed, even if they are placed in separate buildings in the same city.


The point is that to understand the HA/DR solution spectrum requires two-factor analysis. Each technology must be considered for both its ability to protect data and its ability to keep operations online or bring them back online quickly. Each class of technology in the HA/DR spectrum exhibits different operating characteristics and provides a fairly distinct range of data protection and downtime avoidance. Indeed, the capabilities of some technologies can overlap each other. Other solutions are focused on a single specific technical issue, such as a disk drive failure.


This white paper reviews the technology spectrum available for IBM i and AIX environments, including the latest, next-generation solutions, with a goal of preparing IT professionals to evaluate and adopt those most effective and appropriate for their organization.


Recommended Actions:


• Determine your organization's full range of HA and DR requirements. For "requirement," read "imperative." These are issues, such as regulatory compliance, that must be addressed in addition to general business operation needs.


• Evaluate the true value of data and application availability for your organization. Can you really afford weekend and evening maintenance shutdowns or even brief periods of unplanned downtime? Or is your business threatened by even small amounts of downtime at any time of any day or night?


• Finally, review the all of the HA/DR technologies on the market. Study their operating characteristics and the purposes they serve. Then select the ones that will meet your requirements and put your organization at a competitive advantage.


To learn more, download the white paper "An Overview of Disaster Recovery and Availability Technologies for IBM Power Systems" available for free from the MC White Paper Center.



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