John Andersen has just recently released a new course covering report building using DB2 Query Manager for IBM i and AS/400.
Many i shops are still using Query/400 or IBM Query for i but already have the Query Manager program licensed and ready to go. Query Manager is an excellent replacement to Query/400 for report writing and mining your database.
Query Manager also addresses the shortcomings of Query/400 including job performance, control and security concerns that are configured by each user profile on your system.
With John’s new training you can get started using Query Manager today since the entire course is delivered online via the web. And you get to follow along using point and click step-by-step screen capture video.
Like all training materials created by John Andersen, the online study course is backed by a rock solid 100% money back guarantee. When you order you are covered for a full 2 months.
For more information and to claim your copy of the IBM i and AS/400 Query Manager online study course you can check out the following web site URL right now at
Contact: John Andersen
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