IBM i Chief Architect Steve Will is slated to deliver the keynote address at this year's OCEAN IBM i Technical Conference and Vendor Solutions Expo set for Friday, July 17, in Costa Mesa, California.
Conference Dates: July 17-18
Main Seminar and Vendor Expo: Friday, July 17
Evening Networking Reception/Light Dinner: Friday, July 17
Number of Sessions: 39
Number of Speakers: 20
Locations: National University and Ayres Hotel and Suites, Costa Mesa, Calif.
Focus: IBM i Education
The intense day of 39 IBM-focused technical seminars beginning at 8 a.m. highlighted by speaker Paul Tuohy will conclude this year with a buffet dinner reception Friday evening at 5 p.m. followed on Saturday by OCEAN's optional hands-on workshops.
While vendor booth space sold out the first day, there still are sponsorship opportunities for companies who wish to have a presence at the Expo, according to Carole Comeau (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), Expo Chairman.
This year marks the 26th year of the OCEAN User Group's existence, and the IBM i Technical Conference promises capacity attendance to the sessions organized along five tracks that are held at National University, 3390 Harbor Boulevard, Costa Mesa 92626. The post-seminar reception and buffet dinner will take place at the nearby Ayers Hotel and Suites, 325 Bristol St., Costa Mesa 92626.
The conference will conclude Saturday with optional hands-on learning labs from 9 a.m.? 5 p.m. Meanwhile, IBM i solution providers will be available all day Friday in the Vendor Expo area at National University to answer questions from attendees during lunch and session breaks.
"This is going to be the best educational value our organization has put together for its users during the past 26 years," said Margaret Matthews, OCEAN Board President and Conference Chair. "Between the state-of-the-art training available in the post-seminar workshops, plus the 39 sessions conducted by 20 world-class speakers, it's a power-packed educational event at an unheard of value price. We've already had great interest expressed in the interactive roundtable that Steve Will has agreed to host for decision makers following his keynote."
Through June 19, the member price for the basic seminar (excluding Saturday workshops) is $195. After June 19, the price increases to $245. Member pricing extends to anyone belonging to a local IBM i user group or anyone who lives or works more than 100 miles from an IBM i user group. Non-members need to add $100 to all prices, though a one-year membership to OCEAN is still only $80 for an individual and $250 for corporations. The Saturday workshops are $65 and open to regular conference attendees. Non-attendees may register for the workshops beginning July 9 if space is available. The OCEAN Board has authorized a limited number of student scholarships to the Friday conference for college students 18 or older who are studying information technology. To be considered, applicants may contact Matthews (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
Topics to be covered at this year’s conference include modern programming tools and techniques, Web and mobile development, SQL and DB2, systems management, advances in free-form RPG and Open Access, approaches to the Web using RPG, PHP, Python, Ruby, XMLSERVICE, and JavaScript.
“Mobile and cloud computing, along with business analytics, are changing the role of information technology professionals as well as priorities in the workplace," says Matthews. "This conference has been designed to teach the skills required to stay abreast of these emerging technologies. The idea is to help improve your company’s bottom line and enhance your competitive skills.”
In addition to Will and Tuohy, the list of speakers includes some internationally known programmers and trainers from throughout North America including Stephen Boals, Chris Bremer, Tony Cairns, Jim Denton, Floyd DelMuro, Vijai Garg, Karen Linden, Pete Massiello, Dawn May, Joan McKittrick, Eamon Musallam, Jeff Olen, Mike Pavlak, Craig Pelkie, Alex Roytman, Alan Seiden, Robert Swanson, Robin Tatam, John Valance, and Keith Zblewski with more to be booked.
Conference Dates: July 17-18
Main Seminar and Vendor Expo: Friday, July 17
Evening Networking Reception/Light Dinner: Friday, July 17
Number of Sessions: 39
Number of Speakers: 20
Locations: National University and Ayres Hotel and Suites, Costa Mesa, Calif.
Focus: IBM i Education
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