The regulations are mandatory, and their compliance is becoming increasingly essential in order for businesses to conduct their various activities. Some of the major new functionality in version 5.5 that can facilitate regulatory compliance includes extended auditing and reporting capabilities.
Policy Compliance Manager
New compliance tools provide policy management by template, policy deviation reporting, and a rich set of compliance reports. According to Ziff Davis, cost of compliance went up from $13 billion in 2002 to more than $25 billion in 2005. Bsafe offers a Policy Compliance Manager that will add further automation into the compliance process. Executives and auditors are now able to track policy compliance without intervention of IT personnel. BsafeÆs Template Management allows companies to capture their policies in templates.The Bsafe Policy Deviation Report tools automatically show how the company settings in System i deviate from company policy. This tool will reduce time and effort invested for a company to comply with SOX and other regulations.Cross Platform Audit
BsafeÆs Cross Platform Audit consolidates application, system, file, read/record and SQL statement audit information from System i environment and basic audit information from System z and Windows environments in one log. The System Administrator can also run (predefined and self generated) reports off the Cross-Platform Audit.Cross Platform Audit saves consolidated audit history and enables compliance with requirements to keep audit information from the past. When, a company has a need to maintain audit history from across several servers, Bsafe's Cross Platform Audit can consolidate this information on a PC running Windows, which saves valuable disk space on the server. Accessible through the Bsafe/Enterprise Security Windows-based Management Console, the Cross Platform Audit allows viewing of cross platform audit information by security personnel, IT manager, and auditors who may not have a System i background.
Predefined SOX Control Log Reports and Alerts
IT managers and auditors also can efficiently assure that their company information system complies with SOX and other regulations when using BsafeÆs sets of predefined SOX control log reports and alerts. The SOX reports, for example, are set to help IT managers and auditors understand whether SOX compliance policy has been violated. The SOX alerts are sent to an IT manager or to other company managers, when there is an attempt to violate a SOX regulation.
The SQL Statement Audit
This module monitors SQL events on a systemwide level on the iSeries when performed via interactive SQL processes, embedded SQL in HLL, DRDA, or OS/400 queries.
Bsafe Administrator Audit
This Audit provides a log of all activity undertaken by the Bsafe Administrator in a Bsafe Windows-Based Management Console. It will help managers in verifying that their administrators act in compliance with company policy.
Companies that are interested in learning more about this new version of Bsafe/Enterprise Security, can contact a representative at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or apply for a free trial at Trial
About Bsafe Information Systems
Bsafe Information Systems produces network and data security products for IBM system i (AS/400), IBM Series z (mainframe), Windows servers and open systems. Bsafe has an IBM Serverproven and VAE (value added enhancement) recognition. In addition, the company manages custom projects in the security field. For more than a decade, the company has been providing security solutions to large organizations with high security demands such as banks, insurance companies, and public institutions.
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