More than 80 members attended the January meeting of the OCEAN User Group of Southern California to hear author and System i consultant Joe Pluta discuss WebSphere and the EGL language in two separate presentations.
Pluta, who flew out from his home in Chicago to speak to users in California, began the first session during the afternoon with a three-hour presentation on WebSphere. Attendees broke for a group-sponsored buffet dinner, and most stayed for the second presentation on Enterprise Generation Language, or EGL, today's neutral language that evolved from 4GL.
Attendees learned that EGL is being continuously enhanced by IBM with new language constructs, integration with new technologies, such as JSF, and new code generation drivers for modern runtime platforms. EGL continues to provide developers with an abstraction layer that enhances productivity.
The OCEAN User Group, one of the largest in the country, boasts more than 350 registered members and credits much of its success to timely technical presentations, such as the ones Pluta gave. While members pay modest annual dues, most of the group's funding comes from its annual technical conference held during the summer.
For more information about the OCEAN User Group, visit, or call Bob Langieri at 949-240-0438. Contact Pluta at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
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