Even the though iSeries is probably the most secure piece of computing hardware in the world, if you leave holes in your existing security policies, your system is not going to be as secure as you might hope.
Just as no one except the security officer needs a user profile with *ALLOBJ authority, not everyone needs to have access to all commands available to them via FTP. After all, when was the last time you had the need to run CL commands on the iSeries via FTP? Do your users need the ability to send and receive in FTP, even though all they ever do is download files from your server? Do you really want people to be able to list the contents of your iSeries directories via FTP?
The easiest way to control who can do what via FTP is by taking advantage of the ability of Operations Navigator to lock down FTP. In this video tutorial, industry expert Shannon O'Donnell shows you step by step how you can use Operations Navigator to secure FTP for both the individual and the entire system.
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Note: This video requires Microsoft Windows Media Player Version 9 or above. Click here to download the media player. If you've chosen to stream and you've recently upgraded your Windows Media Player, you'll go right into the video. If you haven't recently upgraded, you'll be prompted to do so. Once you're finished, just click again to go directly into the video.
This is the second of the MC TNT Tips 'N Tirades video TechTips. Please let us know what you think! Send email to editor This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Shannon O'Donnell is Director of New Technologies at Jano Justice Systems, Inc. and is a frequent contributor to many iSeries journals and online newsletters. Shannon can be reached at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
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