A: The PTF must be reloaded with the LODPTF, and then the RMVPTF can be done to remove it. Run LODPTF from the media in which you originally loaded it. If you no longer have that media, download the PTF again. Once it's been loaded, remove it. If everything on your system appears to be running OK, then wait until after your next IPL to reload the PTF. The IPL will reset the pointers to the objects contained in the PTF. If you are having system problems, IPL as soon as possible and then reload the PTF. If you have a damaged PTF, you may also have damaged objects. You might want to run RCLSTG as soon as possible.
Ted Holt is an IT consultant living in northeast Mississippi. He welcomes your comments at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
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