The best thing about portable data files or PDFs is that they are...well, portable. And, while using m-Power to create a PDF from a Web report to distribute to colleagues is nothing new, formatting these files has become a lot easier.
Now, with m-Power, users only need to format and create the look of a report once, and then the style can be applied to PDFs, HTML, even Excel, to make sure that your look is consistent across the board. Additionally, by doing the painting at the HTML level with m-Power’s HTML-editor and WYSIWYG built-in feature, m-Painter, designing the look of reports, regardless of the file formats, can be done in minutes by highlighting, dragging and dropping. This new formatting capability not only saves users time, but it makes maintaining a consistent corporate look even easier to achieve.
You can learn more about m-Power at To explore the interface of m-Power’s m-Painter feature, visit the feature page Additional information can be found at: Or contact mrc by phone at 630.916.0662; fax 630.916.0663; or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
About mrc
mrc's development tool, m-Power, is used to create business applications and can run on any platform that supports Java (e.g. OS/400, Linux, Unix, and Windows). Applications access any database including DB2/400, Oracle, MySQL, and MSSQL, and any multiple combinations thereof.
m-Power users create an endless variety of Java-based business applications from simple queries to reports to full-scale business intelligence systems and even complex custom enterprise systems, portals, dashboards, and e-commerce sites. mrc has previously received the Apex Award for application development, is a long-time IBM Business Partner, and has been producing award-winning development software since 1981.
To discover how easy m-Power is to use, there is an online test-drive available that allows users to build two server-side Java applications in minutes without any knowledge of Java. Take the challenge! We know you can do it: Additional information can be found at: Or, contact the company by phone at 630.916.0662, by fax at 630.916.0663, or visit: and let us know the projects you are working on, and a company representative can help you get started.
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