The new interface allows for faster graph creation, offers a live graph preview, and includes new intuitive features incorporating many elements available in jQuery.
Software tool developer michaels, ross & cole, ltd. (mrc) has announced major improvements to m-Power's graphing interface. m-Power is software that rapidly creates web applications such as report-writing, business intelligence, executive dashboards, e-commerce, customer portals, and wireless applications to name a few.
The graphing interface is accessed through m-Painter, m-Power's WYSIWYG editor. It guides users through the process of adding detailed graphs and charts to their web applications. It gives users control of all aspects of graph creation, such as: data selection, graph type, graph size, colors, etc.
With these recent improvements, the graphing interface is improved in a number of ways:
- Faster graph creation: The entire interface was remade, resulting in a simpler and more straightforward graphing process. Among other benefits, this leads to much faster and easier graph creation.
- New intuitive features: The new interface incorporates many elements available in jQuery, one of the most popular and advanced javascript frameworks available. It uses familiar and intuitive interface elements that users instantly understand, such as tabbed layouts, drag-and-drop, color pickers, etc.
- Live graph preview: The new graphing interface now provides a real-time view of the user's graph as they create it. There's no need to run or compile the application to view graph changes.
"Easy-to-understand graphs and charts are key elements to reporting and dashboard applications," says Brian Crowley, mrc's director of development. "With the new improvements to the graphing interface, creating these necessary graphs and charts has never been easier."
For additional information, contact mrc via phone at 630-916-0662; via fax at 630-916-0663;or e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Software tool developer michaels, ross & cole, ltd. (mrc) has announced major improvements to m-Power's graphing interface. m-Power is software that rapidly creates web applications such as report-writing, business intelligence, executive dashboards, e-commerce, customer portals, and wireless applications to name a few.
The graphing interface is accessed through m-Painter, m-Power's WYSIWYG editor. It guides users through the process of adding detailed graphs and charts to their web applications. It gives users control of all aspects of graph creation, such as: data selection, graph type, graph size, colors, etc.
With these recent improvements, the graphing interface is improved in a number of ways:
- Faster graph creation: The entire interface was remade, resulting in a simpler and more straightforward graphing process. Among other benefits, this leads to much faster and easier graph creation.
- New intuitive features: The new interface incorporates many elements available in jQuery, one of the most popular and advanced javascript frameworks available. It uses familiar and intuitive interface elements that users instantly understand, such as tabbed layouts, drag-and-drop, color pickers, etc.
- Live graph preview: The new graphing interface now provides a real-time view of the user's graph as they create it. There's no need to run or compile the application to view graph changes.
"Easy-to-understand graphs and charts are key elements to reporting and dashboard applications," says Brian Crowley, mrc's director of development. "With the new improvements to the graphing interface, creating these necessary graphs and charts has never been easier."
For additional information, contact mrc via phone at 630-916-0662; via fax at 630-916-0663;or e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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