Feature gives users numerous advantages over similar charts common to Excel.
Software tool developer michaels, ross & cole, ltd. (mrc) has announced an advanced Web application technique for m-Power: The Web-based Gantt chart. m-Power is software that modernizes legacy applications and rapidly creates web applications such as report-writing, business intelligence, executive dashboards, e-commerce, customer portals, and mobile applications to name a few.
A Gantt chart is a bar chart used to illustrate both the sequence and expected duration of tasks within a project. Gantt charts are commonly used in business as project management tools.
The Web-based Gantt chart is similar to those found in Excel, but with a few notable advantages. Unlike Excel, Gantt charts created with m-Power are Web-based and access data directly from a database. This is important for a few reasons:
- Easy to use—Updating an Excel-based Gantt chart requires manually changing the spreadsheet's dataset. Web-based Gantt charts are updated using simple drag-and-drop. Additionally, when one task is updated, every other affected task automatically updates.
- Easy accessibility—Excel-based Gantt charts are typically shared via email and only accessible using spreadsheet software on a PC or laptop. Web-based Gantt charts are accessible from anywhere via any Web-enabled device.
- Easy collaboration: Every time an Excel-based Gantt chart is changed, the new version must be emailed to all users. More changes lead to more versions which often lead to confusion and the use of out-of-date versions. Collaborating on a Web-based Gantt chart is simple, as every user accesses and updates the same Gantt chart via the Web.
"The Web-based Gantt chart is a great tool for any manager," says Brian Crowley, mrc's director of Development. "It combines all the benefits of a regular Gantt chart with all the advantages of a Web application."
A live demonstration page for m-Power's new Web-based Gantt chart can be found here: http://www.crazybikes.com/mrcjava/servlet/CBB2E.R01304s. To learn more, contact mrc by phone at 630-916-0662; fax at 630-916-0663; or e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Software tool developer michaels, ross & cole, ltd. (mrc) has announced an advanced Web application technique for m-Power: The Web-based Gantt chart. m-Power is software that modernizes legacy applications and rapidly creates web applications such as report-writing, business intelligence, executive dashboards, e-commerce, customer portals, and mobile applications to name a few.
A Gantt chart is a bar chart used to illustrate both the sequence and expected duration of tasks within a project. Gantt charts are commonly used in business as project management tools.
The Web-based Gantt chart is similar to those found in Excel, but with a few notable advantages. Unlike Excel, Gantt charts created with m-Power are Web-based and access data directly from a database. This is important for a few reasons:
- Easy to use—Updating an Excel-based Gantt chart requires manually changing the spreadsheet's dataset. Web-based Gantt charts are updated using simple drag-and-drop. Additionally, when one task is updated, every other affected task automatically updates.
- Easy accessibility—Excel-based Gantt charts are typically shared via email and only accessible using spreadsheet software on a PC or laptop. Web-based Gantt charts are accessible from anywhere via any Web-enabled device.
- Easy collaboration: Every time an Excel-based Gantt chart is changed, the new version must be emailed to all users. More changes lead to more versions which often lead to confusion and the use of out-of-date versions. Collaborating on a Web-based Gantt chart is simple, as every user accesses and updates the same Gantt chart via the Web.
"The Web-based Gantt chart is a great tool for any manager," says Brian Crowley, mrc's director of Development. "It combines all the benefits of a regular Gantt chart with all the advantages of a Web application."
A live demonstration page for m-Power's new Web-based Gantt chart can be found here: http://www.crazybikes.com/mrcjava/servlet/CBB2E.R01304s. To learn more, contact mrc by phone at 630-916-0662; fax at 630-916-0663; or e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
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