Since Genie's release in early 2007, Profound Logic Software has been steadily adding new functions to its on-the-fly green-screen modernization tool. The latest improvement in Genie 3.0 can be found in the company's release of Genie Accelerator that increases system performance by eliminating the need for 5250 online transaction processing (OLTP).
The Instant Solution Made Even Better
Genie focuses on providing System i and Power users with an instant method to Web-enable legacy green-screen applications. This is done by using standard browser technologies that allow green-screens to be translated into HTML to provide businesses with a non-intrusive way to modernize and deploy their applications quickly. Enhancing applications with extra functionality, such as drop-downs, check boxes, buttons, charts, calendars, links, images, and various other Web elements becomes very easy with the tool's browser-based designer, the company says. Tie that together with Genie's ability to easily customize unique skins for the interface, and businesses have a solution that allows for speed and flexibility in their modernization process.
Even with all of these tools, Profound Logic's development team wanted to go the extra mile for its customers. As a result, the team began talking with clients to find more ways to improve Genie to better meet the ongoing needs and requirements of the System i community. "Several customers indicated to us that eliminating interactive processing is an important part of their modernization strategy. From this, we decided to build a new feature to eliminate 5250 OLTP," explained Alex Roytman, Profound Logic's CEO.
Zero Interactive
Now, Genie allows users to run their Web-enabled systems without using any interactive CPW. This new capability, made possible by the Genie Accelerator, is available to customers with V5R4 or higher, but Genie still will support operating systems as far back as V5R2. All applications that run under the Genie Accelerator will run entirely in batch, eliminating the need for expensive 5250 OLTP and unlocking the full processing power of the system for 5250 applications.
"The elimination of interactive CPW makes modernization much more affordable for businesses," says David Russo, project manager at Profound Logic. "With the Genie Accelerator, users do not have to worry about upgrading their systems or buying a more powerful box to modernize."
In addition to the cost savings, users with heavy 5250 OLTP use may receive significant performance increases. Genie Accelerator also offers the option to offload Genie onto another System i or Power system to reduce the server's overhead and to comply with Sarbanes-Oxley and other similar regulations.
Accelerating Genie Today
Genie Accelerator is available now with the free trial of Genie 3.0 on Profound Logic's Web site ( Profound Logic also is making Genie Accelerator available at no additional charge to all existing Genie customers. For more information, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 877-224-7768 toll free.
About Profound Logic
Profound Logic Software, Inc. is a leading provider of application development tools for the IBM i (iSeries/AS/400) platform. Established in 1999, Profound Logic started creating innovative programming tools that streamline the application development process. Profound Logic makes it a point to provide excellent customer service to its clients. Today, Profound Logic Software has thousands of users in more than 50 countries. In addition to its software, the company offers related training, consulting, and support services.
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