S4i Express Utilizes the Flexibility of IASPs on iSeries

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S4i Systems, Inc. is pleased to announce the latest release of S4i Express, PTF38. This significant release provides customers with more options for expedited disaster recovery and greater flexibility in the location which their documents and data can be stored. An increase in application availability is made possible through support for installation and maintenance of the repository inside an independent Auxiliary Storage Pool (iASP). The new feature was inspired by customer request and is already being use to significantly reduce application downtime and effort to restore user access.


 Significant reduction in disaster recovery time is accomplished through the use of iASP and IBM’s Power HA, which allows geographic mirroring and logical replication making it easy to redirect from production system to a backup system. Housing an application like the S4i Express repository means that in a disaster event, the failover can be handled in minutes and without manual intervention.


 S4i Systems encourages organizations to take advantage of PTF38. Customers should utilize S4i’s Customer Resource Center (http://www.s4isystems.com/customerLogin.html) for details on upgrading their system to the latest release.


 S4i Express is an Enterprise Document Management Solution, enabling automatic document distribution, archive, and web-based retrieval. Additional information is available at http://www.s4isystems.com/products/s4iexpress.html or by calling 949-366-5234. S4i Systems, Inc. is a global provider of Enterprise Document Management and Business Process Management Solutions, serving customers for more than 20 years.




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