In OS/400 V5R1, IBM expanded the size of the user library list from 25 to 250 library names. Because I use Ernie's utilities, I modified the CL source code to handle the new threshold.
The SAVLIBL and RSTLIBL utilities are built from four source members--two commands and two CL programs. The CL programs require Ernie's Forward Program Message utility, which is also created from a command source and CL source member. All required source members are listed in the table below.
Source Members Required for the SAVLIBL and RSTLIBL Utilities | ||
Member | Type | Description |
FWDPGMMSG | CMD | Forward program message command |
PGM007CL | CLP | Forward program message, command-processing program |
SAVLIBL | CMD | Save library list command |
LIBL007CL | CLP | Save library list, command-processing program |
RSTLIBL | CMD | Restore library list command |
LIBL008CL | CLP | Restore library list, command-processing program |
The only members that had to be updated are PGM007CL and PGM008CL, which you can download. Everything else you need is in the two articles referenced above.
Jeff Brown is a programmer/analyst for Sweetwater County in Green River, Wyoming. He been working with IBM midrange computers since 1988 (the S/38) and the AS/400 (oops, iSeries!) since 1990. He started in S/38 operations as a programmer "understudy" and was promoted to programmer/analyst around 1996. He's currently working on a Model 730 iSeries running V5R2, programming in ILE RPG and CL (Java is something he has in the morning to wake him up). His email at work is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
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