TechTalk: File Reference File

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The AS/400 keeps a reference file with an entry for each file on the system. The file can be queried to list the files in file name order or library order. The file is called QADBXREF and is found in QSYS. Each record contains the fields shown in 1.

The AS/400 keeps a reference file with an entry for each file on the system. The file can be queried to list the files in file name order or library order. The file is called QADBXREF and is found in QSYS. Each record contains the fields shown in Figure 1.

As you can see, this file can be useful in locating information by file, library, or owner. There is a multitude of useful reports that you can create from this file.

Alon Fluxman Highlands Ranch, Colorado

TechTalk: File Reference File

Figure 1 AS/400 reference file field names

 Figure 1: AS/400 Reference File Field Names DBXFIL File name DBXLIB Library name DBXDIC Dictionary name DBXOWN Owner Name DBXTXT Text DBXATR Attribute (PF, LF, TB, VW, IX) DBXLNK "E" if externally described "P" if program described DBXSQL "I" if IDDU "S" if SQL "C" if CRTDTTADCT "X" if Migrated Blank = no link DBXTYP "D" of Data, "S" if Source DBXNFL Number of fields DBXNKF Number of key fields DBXRDL Maximum record length DBXIDV Internal file definition for dictionary 


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