It's easy with the User Application Information APIs!
I received the following from reader Kiernan M.:
"Your articles are giving me all kinds of ideas for improving our system.... Is there an API that lets me recall previous usage information like how SEU does with *PRV?"
As this would be an extremely short article if this capability was unavailable, it's safe to assume that there are indeed APIs to assist you in retaining previous usage information. Starting with V5R3, IBM provides three APIs that can be used to store and retrieve application-related data on a per-user profile basis:
- •QsyUpdateUserApplicationInfo
- •QsyRetrieveUserApplication Info
- •QsyRemoveUserApplicationInfo
While SEU does not use these particular APIs (SEU's *PRV support significantly predates V5R3), these APIs provide you with the ability to associate user application information to a *USRPRF. This information can be essentially anything you want to retain across instances of application usage and is automatically saved and restored with the *USRPRF. This last point is significant as you do not need to manage the application-related information as a separate entity, which you would need to do if storing this information in a database file, user index, etc.
To get started, we will create the command Start My Application (STRMYAPP). The command will take two parameters: a qualified file name and a member name. Here's the command source:
Cmd Prompt(SMA1001)
Parm Kwd(File) Type(QualName) Prompt(SMA1002)
Parm Kwd(Mbr) Type(*Name) Len(10) Dft(*Prv) +
SpcVal((*Prv)) Prompt(SMA1004)
QualName: Qual Type(*Name) Len(10) Dft(*Prv) SpcVal((*Prv))
Qual Type(*Name) Len(10) SpcVal((*Libl) +
(*CurLib *CurLib)) Prompt(SMA1003)
The STRMYAPP command uses prompting text stored in the message file (*MSGF) USERMSGF. The following steps will create the USERMSGF *MSGF in library VINING (you might want to use a name other than VINING), add four message descriptions (*MSGD) to USERMSGF, and then create the STRMYAPP command.
The command processing program (CPP), SMACPP, for our STRMYAPP command doesn't exist yet, but the command will create successfully all the same. In preparation for writing the SMACPP program, let's look at the Update User Application Information API, which is documented here.
This API defines seven parameters.
The first parameter, User_profile, is the name of the user profile for which application information will be updated. One special value is supported : *CURRENT. Note that this special value indicates that the current user profile, not the user profile that started the job, should be used. If you have applications that swap to a shared profile for authority purposes while running, you will most likely want to use the user profile found in the job name, not the current (shared) user profile.
The second parameter, Application_information_ID, identifies what application information is to be updated. You can have multiple applications (Order Entry, Inventory Control, Shipping, etc.) storing information with each *USRPRF. Each of these applications would have its own application ID so that information stored for one application would not conflict with information stored for another application. For STRMYAPP, the application ID will be RPG_DEVELOPER_MY_APPLICATION. The maximum length of the application ID is 200 bytes, and IBM suggests in the API documentation that certain naming conventions be followed in order to avoid application ID conflicts when running software from multiple sources. In the current case, I'm using RPG_DEVELOPER as my company name.
The third parameter, Length_of_application_information_ID, is simply the length of the second parameter. This value can be from 1 to 200. For RPG_DEVELOPER_MY_APPLICATION, this parameter will be set to 28 and calculated using RPGs %len and %trimr built-ins.
The fourth parameter, Application_information, represents the information that you want to store for the identified application. As STRMYCMD supports *PRV for the qualified file name and the member name, you will certainly want to store this information. In addition, you may also want to store user preference information, such as Full screen mode (as an example and following the SEU scenario).
The fifth parameter, Length_of_application_information, is simply the length of the fourth parameter. This value can be from 1 to 1700.
The sixth parameter, First_valid_release, identifies the first supported i5/OS release in which the application (RPG_DEVELOPER_MY_APPLICATION in this example) is valid. The system uses this when saving a *USRPRF to a previous release in order to avoid restoring application-related information to a system where the application cannot run. The format of the parameter is VxRxMx as in V5R4M0.
The seventh parameter, Error_code, is the standard API error code structure.
With that introduction, the following program demonstrates how to set default values for a new user of RPG_DEVELOPER_MY_APPLICATION.
h dftactgrp(*no)
dUpdUsrInf pr extproc(
d 'QsyUpdateUserApplicationInfo')
d UsrPrf 10 const
d ApplID 200 const options(*varsize)
d LenApplID 10i 0 const
d ApplInfo 1700 const options(*varsize)
d LenApplInfo 10i 0 const
d MinVRM 6 const
d QUSEC likeds(QUSEC)
d/copy qsysinc/qrpglesrc,qusec
dApplInfo ds 100 qualified
d File 10
d Library 10
d Member 10
d FullScreen 1
dApplID s 200 inz(
dMinVRM s 6 inz('V5R3M0')
ApplInfo.File = 'QRPGLESRC';
ApplInfo.Library = '*LIBL';
ApplInfo.Member = '*FIRST';
ApplInfo.FullScreen = 'N';
UpdUsrInf('*CURRENT' :ApplID :%len(%trimr(ApplID))
:ApplInfo :%size(ApplInfo) :MinVRM :QUSEC);
*inlr = *on;
The program is very straightforward. It sets the Bytes provided of the error code structure to 0, which indicates that any errors found by the QsyUpdateUserApplicationInfo API should be returned as *ESCAPE messages, initializes default values for the subfields of the ApplInfo data structure, updates the application-related information for the *CURRENT user of the RPG_DEVELOPER_MY_APPLICATION application based on the ApplInfo data structure, and ends.
Note that this sample program is not the CPP for STRMYAPP. This is simply an example of using the QsyUpdateUserApplicationInfo API to set default values for a *USRPRF. In the next article, we will review the CPP SMACPP, which will have the above code imbedded in it.
Meanwhile, if you have other API questions, send them to me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. I'll see what I can do about answering your burning questions in future columns.
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