November 21, 2016

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Issue Highlights
Lead Article - Analysis

The IBM i Skills Shortage Myth

The problem isn’t IBM i skills shortage; it’s an “RPG II/III-fixed format-legacy-cycle” skills shortage.

Written by Steve Pitcher

Yeah, I said it.

An “RPG II/III-fixed format-legacy-cycle” skills shortage. The kind of shortage you don’t want to have if you care about the future of your business. So forgive me if I take exception to the argument about IBM i having a skills shortage. It doesn’t. IBM i’s history is rooted in being a business computer for business people. They run business programs to do business things. IBM i may have grown in terms of capabilities, but at its core it’s a business operating system. So when people talk about an IBM i skills shortage, it makes me wonder if we’ve lost the point about what IBM i really is.

MC Press Bookstore
Can’t wait? The wait is over…It’s finally here! The latest update to the classic IBM i security reference is now available. Fully secure your IBM i applications and data with help from security guru Carol Woodbury. Written in a clear, jargon-free style, you’ll learn why it’s vital to develop a security policy and how to implement and maintain such a system. You’ll also get expert advice for tackling today’s security threats. This new release is updated for the latest version of the IBM i operating system. Get your copy today!
MC Press Bookstore

One Book Gets You There!

Ace exam 312 with the latest DB2 certification study guide from MC Press. One book gives you all you need to know about the core DB2 11 for z/OS topics. Author Susan Lawson—who also helped develop exam 312—introduces DB2 11 for z/OS and gives you a comprehensive review of database design and implementation, applications and database functionality, environment management, data management, and more! Features 90 practice questions & answers. Order your copy today.

MC Press Bookstore

Get the latest and greatest advice from the DB2 for z/OS gurus! DB2 11: The Ultimate Database for Cloud, Analytics, and Mobile provides essential advice and explanations to ensure a successful upgrade--including feedback from early customer experiences. This book describes new DB2 11 features that can help you respond cost-effectively to the data explosion resulting from mobile applications, cloud computing, social media, and smart devices. Understand the new functions in DB2 11, plan your migration strategy, and learn about important new support for application compatibility. Get your copy today!

Featured Article - Security

IBM i Security Without Breaking the Bank

Stop neglecting IBM i security. Consider a risk assessment and two control layers to enjoy substantially less risk of data losswithout sending your organization into the red.

Written by Robin Tatam

The time is now!

While some companies take a proactive stance on becoming more secure, many more act as a result of regulation. Governments and industry bodies have enacted numerous enforceable mandates, typically as a result of a scandal or high-profile breach. The growing list of these mandates includes PCI-DSS for credit card data, MAS-TRM for financial organizations in Singapore, BASEL for the banking industry, SOX for publicly traded companies, and HIPAA for those in the U.S. healthcare industry. Operators in the European Union face a dramatic increase in fines that may be levied for data breaches since the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was adopted in April 2016. This replacement for the previous “directive” will become law in…

MC Resource Centers

IBM i Security: Event Logging & Active Monitoring

A Step by Step Guide

Active monitoring is one of the most critical and effective security controls that an organization can deploy. Unlike many Windows and Linux server deployments, the IBM i can host a complex mix of back-office applications, web applications, and open source applications and services - leaving millions of security events to actively monitor.

This eBook discusses:

  • Real-time security event logging and monitoring
  • Security architecture and logging sources on the IBM i
  • Creating the IBM security audit journal QAUDJRN
  • Enabling IBM security events through system values
  • File integrity monitoring (FIM)
  • A step by step checklist begin collecting and monitoring IBM i security logs

Download your copy today from the MC White Paper Center

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