May 15, 2020

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Lead Article - Programming

SQL 101: A Data Definition Language Hands-on Tour, Part 1

This TechTip is the first of a new subseries of SQL 101, solely dedicated to Data Definition Language (DDL). I’ll take you on a tour of the most important aspects of “modern” database creation and maintenance.

By Rafael Victória-Pereira

If someone asks you to create a new file for this or that reason, you’ll probably fire up SEU (or a “modern” editor, like WDSC or RDi’s LPEX Editor) and start typing in the specs using DDS. Possibly, while you’re doing this, you’re already thinking about the new code you’ll have to write to enforce some data-related rules, or the additional files (single or joined logical files, for instance) you’ll have to create, and a slew of other small but crucial details that a new file usually entails.

Feature Article - Security

Tips for Staying Sane

In this crazy, topsy-turvy world we’re in, we’re finding creative ways to stay sane in our personal lives. How does this translate into our work life, specifically to IBM i security?

By Carol Woodbury

I don’t know about you, but during this strange time we find ourselves in, I’m doing some “interesting” things to stay sane. For one thing, I’m doing a lot of cleaning. I’ve raked parts of my yard that have never been raked in the 20 years I’ve lived in my house! And my closets have never been more organized. I’ve also dug out my sewing machine—not just to make masks but to do other projects as well. Finally, I’ve found myself cooking and baking things I’ve never attempted before. What does this have to do with IBM i security? I thought it might be fun to translate the sort of things we’re doing in our personal lives into IBM i security: cleaning, resurrecting old skills, and trying out new ones.

White Papers


Why Migrate When You Can Modernize?

Explore the main considerations you should be aware of before embarking on a (migration or modernization) project. Take a deeper dive into business motivations and factors that could potentially influence your decision to migrate or modernize your existing IT platform and its risks.

Download your copy today!

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Profound Logic Solution Guide

More than ever, there is a demand for IT to deliver innovation.

Your IBM i has been an essential part of your business operations for years. However, your organization may struggle to maintain the current system and implement new projects.

The thousands of customers we've worked with and surveyed state that expectations regarding the digital footprint and vision of the companyare not aligned with the current IT environment.

Get your copy of this important guide today!

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Node Webinar Series Pt. 1: The World of Node.js on IBM i

Have you been wondering about Node.js? Our free Node.js Webinar Series takes you from total beginner to creating a fully-functional IBM i Node.js business application.

Part 1 will teach you what Node.js is, why it's a great option for IBM i shops, and how to take advantage of the ecosystem surrounding Node.

In addition to background information, our Director of Product Development Scott Klement will demonstrate applications that take advantage of the Node Package Manager (npm).

watch now!

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LANSA Webcast

Low Code: A Digital Transformation of Supply Chain and Logistics

Learn how businesses leverage Low-Code to continue to deliver value through digital transformation. Discover how the power of Low-Code is helping many businesses evolve their supply chain, increase ROI, and achieve more tangible results.

Watch this webcast now.

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Trial Software

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Easiest Way to Save Money? Stop Printing IBM i Reports

The thought of printing, distributing, and storing iSeries reports manually may reduce you to tears. Paper and labor costs associated with report generation can spiral out of control. Mountains of paper threaten to swamp your files. Robot automates report bursting, distribution, bundling, and archiving, and offers secure, selective online report viewing.

Manage your reports with the Robot Report Management Solution.

Rerun another report? Never again. Try the Robot Report Management Solution FREE for 30 days.

Request your trial now!

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Comply in 5! Well, actually UNDER 5 minutes!!

TRY the one package that solves all your document design and printing challenges on all your platforms.

Produce bar code labels, electronic forms, ad hoc reports, and RFID tags – without programming! MarkMagic is the only document design and print solution that combines report writing, WYSIWYG label and forms design, and conditional printing in one integrated product.

Request your trial now!

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Featured News - Analytics & Cognitive

Annual IBM List Celebrates Global Women Leaders Shaping the Future of Artificial Intelligence

Company honors 35 professionals from 12 countries, as new global survey shows benefits of diversity to AI -- but notes that work is still needed to close gender gap

IBM at its Think Digital conference unveiled its list of Women Leaders in AI, recognizing 35 exceptional female business leaders from 12 countries who are using artificial intelligence to drive transformation, growth and innovation across a wide variety of industries.

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