February 14, 2017

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Announcement Highlights

February 14, 2017

SPECIAL EDITION ARTICLE: New Power Systems Iron and Technology Refreshes for IBM i 7.3 and 7.2

          • A chat with Steve Will, Chief Architect of the IBM i operating system,

            and Scott Forstie, DB2 for i Business Architect

          • RPG Enhancements

          • SQL Enhancements

          • New hardware - IBM Power System S812


IBM Power System S812 server offers solid foundation for critical workloads in departmental scale-out environments

IBM i 7.2 TR6 Supports the New IBM Power System S812 Server and Offers Other Significant Enhancements in Database, Access...

• IBM i 7.3 TR2 Supports the New IBM Power System S812 Server and Offers Significant Enhancements in Database, Access Client...

Lead Article - Analytics & Cognitive

New Power Systems Iron and Technology Refreshes for IBM i 7.3 and 7.2

IBM leads this Technology Refresh with database improvements to improve customer business value.

Last week, I was fortunate to have a chat with Steve Will, Chief Architect of the IBM i operating system, and Scott Forstie, DB2 for i Business Architect, about what’s new on the software side of this announcement. I'll also take a look at the hardware side.

For more information on the new features, please go to the following pages to view additional details about the IBM i 7.3 Technology Refresh 2 and IBM i 7.2 Technology Refresh 6.

Featured News

IBM Power System S812 server offers solid foundation for critical workloads in departmental scale-out environments

The IBM Power System S812 server is a powerful 1-socket server that ships with one or four activated cores and I/O configuration flexibility to meet small businesses' processing needs.

Feature - Analytics & Cognitive

Book Review: DB2 10.5 Fundamentals for LUW: Certification Study Guide (Exam 615)

DBAs who use the book will find it very helpful first in their test study and later as a reference book.

Reviewed by Paul Turpin

Roger Sanders has written many DB2 for LUW certification preparation guides, and I have read almost all of them. The books were my primary study resource in preparing for DB2 certification tests. His most recent study guide, DB2 10.5 Fundamentals for LUW: Certification Study Guide (Exam 615), came too late for me to use for preparing for exam 615, but I am certain that it will be extremely valuable to those who are still preparing to take this exam (test C2090-615: DB2 10.5 Fundamentals for LUW). In addition to helping me prepare for exams, I have found Sanders’ books to be most useful references in my job as a DB2 database administrator (DBA). I still have a number of his older guides at my desk.

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