Kisco Information Systems announces Release 6 of its popular iFileAudit security product for the IBM i family of servers. iFileAudit is an audit tool for tracking changes to files in native IBM i databases at the field content level.
In a reaction to customer requests, iFileAudit Release 6 includes new filters on file access activity. Customers can now filter activity based on the program name being used and/or on the job name that the program is running under on either an include or exclude basis.
Another new feature added with Release 6 is the ability, when viewing file activity, to easily group all of the updates made at the same time together to get a full picture of what was done with the entire transaction that was processed. This helps customers get a better understanding of file update activity by viewing the full picture, not just a single field change. This feature is also implemented in the browser interface to iFileAudit.
Release 6 includes a new control feature that implements two tier user access to the information in iFileAudit. This will allow customers to grant read-only access to audit information stored in iFileAudit that will allow auditors to review the information but not allow them to operate any controls for the software. To have full access to the product, an admin user must be defined and activated.
iFileAudit works by using and interpreting file journals created and maintained by the IBM i/OS. If you are already journaling your file, iFileAudit will work with established journals. If not, iFileAudit will create the necessary journal objects when you register your file with the product. iFileAudit does not depend on file level triggers for normal activity tracking which improves application processing throughput.
iFileAudit continues its core objectives letting you track the following kinds of file changes:
- Track changes to a specific field on a specific record to review how the current field contents were entered.
- Track both manual field changes and changes to fields done by program calculations.
- Identify the user profile that was used to make each file, record and field change.
- Identify the program that was used to make each file, record and field change.
- Identify the location from which each file change was made.
- Identify the job that made each file change.
iFileAudit includes interactive drill down reporting tools and customizable printed audit reports. Reports can run on a global or selected basis for each file being tracked.
This versatile package has numerous applications within an organization. It can be used to find the guilty party when unexpected or erroneous data shows up in applications. Or use it as an audit trail tool for HIPAA, SOX, PCI or other internal change management controls. iFileAudit can also be used by application developers or system administrators to understand how a server process affects a field value during its execution.
iFileAudit includes a browser interface for accessing and administering the product. Complete product specs and other information, including screen shots and support information, is available at
iFileAudit, is priced at $1,425.00 for any IBM i (Power IBM i, i5, iSeries or AS/400) computer. For companies with several systems, Kisco offers multiplelicense discounts. LPAR price is $2,415.00 which include permission for multiple partitions on a single serial number. iFileAudit can be run on any IBM i system running OS levels of 6.1 up through 7.3.
Kisco Information Systems offers a free 30-day evaluation of the product that can be downloaded with complete software documentation from To obtain a free evaluation copy call Kisco at (518) 897-5002 or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
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