Actuate Corporation
Actuate Corporation is the world leader in Enterprise Reporting and Performance Management Applications that empower 100% of users to achieve breakthrough corporate performance. Actuate provides the most scalable, reliable, flexible and high-performing reporting capabilities for every application in the enterprise. Customers use Actuate to deliver information in context to users inside and outside the firewall as Performance Management, Customer Interaction, Managed Spreadsheet and Java reporting applications. Actuate 8 provides the industry’s first real-time Enterprise Reporting Application Platform with integrated Enterprise Information Integration (EII) for developing and deploying Enterprise Reporting Applications. Enterprise Reporting Applications allow organizations to gain real-time operational visibility, improve customer profitability, and distribute accountability throughout the organization. Actuate 8 features a deployment architecture that is scalable enough to serve 100% of the user population throughout the enterprise and beyond.
Listing Details
701 Gateway Blvd.
South San Francisco
1-888-422-8828 / 650-837-2000
Actuate 9 is based on the world's first Collaborative Reporting Architecture. For the first time, organizations can apply both the technology and principles of open source to Business Intelligence processes. With Actuate's Collaborative Reporting Archite ...
Category:Contact Management