Today Remain Software is pleased to announce the third Milestone of TD/OMS V14 and MiWorkplace V1.29.0, in line with the company's commitment to innovation and support. This Milestone is the third scheduled enhancement to each solution, culminating in the annual release each summer. Today's releases feature new integrations, improvements to the user interfaces.
New features and enhancements are listed below, with additional highlights and full details available on associated web pages:
TD/OMS V14.0.3 is our flagship DevOps tool for IBM i. Integrations to Event System, new interfaces with Zendesk, ServiceDesk plus and connect wise, have been added; Collapsed and Expanded views are much faster now due to the previous delay. Together with support for GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket, this completes our strategy to support all major DevOps providers. MiWorkplace V1.29.0 Remain's development environment for IBM i is enhanced in several areas. With the new release it’s possible to repeat comment characters splitting the comment lines, ability to prompt source statements, debugging of the framework is included. Visit the Milestone 3 release page for more information:
TD/OMS, is in-house developed and engineered for both IBM i and multi-platform environments. MiWorkplace is designed as an integrated development environment for IBM i. The emphasis of Remain's quarterly Milestones lies within support for intuitiveness, functionality, and reliability, allowing IT teams to remain focused on the progression of their efforts and advance their development potential.
For more information, please contact us at: +31 (0) 30-6005010 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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