October 14, 2016

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Issue Highlights

October 14, 2016 Volume 13 Issue 41

LEAD ARTICLE: TechTip: IFS Containers

FEATURED ARTICLE: TechTip: DB2 for i Optimization Strategies, Part 6

NEWS HIGHLIGHT: Free-Form RPG Programming


EVENT: Stop Writing SQL Queries and Start Seeing Your Data

Feature Article - TechTip

TechTip: IFS Containers

The proliferating adoption of open source on IBM i means there's a lot going on in PASE. How does one keep from stepping on toes? "IFS Containers" to the rescue.

Written by Aaron Bartell

I was talking with a colleague the other day, and he gave me valuable feedback, stating I should do more at the beginning of articles to describe the problem or the usage scenario of the technology before I jump into the geek parts. Of course, that's priceless feedback for me because if people don't understand the "why," then they won't take the time to read. So let me start this article with a slide that describes a common scenario with shops adopting open source on IBM i (Figure 1). BTW, this entire slide deck is available here as are all of my slide decks.

New Generation Software, Inc.

Graphical, Web, and mobile query and reporting. Make it all happen on IBM i. NGS-IQ enables users to write queries that output to Excel, Access, Word, PDF, CSV, TXT, HTML, and XML; build OLAP cubes; run Web reports with charts and drill down options; and distribute output via email. Attend our next webinar and see how we complement Microsoft Power BI or look for us at the Fall COMMON and VAI conferences. FREE Trials are available upon request. Contact us at www.ngsi.com or call 800 824-1220.


MC Press Bookstore

Cool stuff! Check out Subfiles in Free-Format RPG: Rules, Examples, Techniques & Other Cool Stuff. Here’s your chance to learn subfile concepts and programming techniques using free-format RPG. From basic subfile usage to advanced programming, this book offers concepts, explanations and practical examples that reflect current trends. Learn everything from single-page displays to embedded SQL. Includes downloadable templates that include the DDS and RPG code! On sale now for a great low price!

MC Press Bookstore

This book is a practitioner's guide to deploying IBM Cognos software and the cloud. If you are a solution architect or an IT architect charged with evaluating, designing, or implementing a Cognos Business Intelligence solution to leverage a cloud infrastructure, this book is for you.

Inside, you will find pragmatic and practical information about best practices and guidelines, as well as specific software and configuration steps to help you achieve success with your Cognos BI cloud solution.

Feature Article - TechTip

TechTip: DB2 for i Optimization Strategies, Part 6

Avoid common SQL programming mistakes that can drag application performance.

Written by Michael Sansoterra

In this final installment of this DB2 for i coding series, I’ll discuss two items. First, I’ll examine a reason why a query that once performed well when it was first written might become lethargic as time passes. Second, I’ll discuss a way to potentially improve the performance of multi-row update statements. In the end, the lessons are how to avoid some common coding flaws that can take the wind out of your database sails.


MC SCBG Featured Product

TLAForms by TL Ashford converts your traditional IBM i spool files into high quality, professional forms.

Use a GUI Designer to create forms using data from a spool file and data from your IBM i files. Forms can be designed with true-type fonts, bar codes – including QR Code and Datamatrix, color images, overlays, lines, boxes and ellipses all in full color.

The software generates your forms as PDF documents that are archived to the IFS, automatically emailed and/or printed. Forms can be printed to IBM i PostScript printers, any printer connected to the network, or any printer connected to a PC. IFS locations, email addresses, and printers can be variable based on data within the spool file, data within the IBM i file or spool file attributes.

No programming is required to generate the new forms from your existing ERP, WMS or in-house application software.

The experienced TL Ashford technical support team will provide any pre-designed templates like the VICS Bill of Lading, and make sure working with the software is as easy and productive as possible!